Legend of Lang!

Disclaimer: Please be warned that some of the content found within this site contains coarse language, mediocre artwork, and inherent awesomeness.
Mog and Crono are copyright Square-Enix, and Jet Dry is copyright Jet Dry, I think. I have a bottle upstairs. Pepsi is copyright Pepsi-Cola, inc. and is still the greatest product ever. All other material is copyright to me, Brandon Lang.


Chapter 1 Title Page
#1: It Begins!
#2: So Much Cooler
#3: Imminent Ass-Kicking
#4: Exponential Excitement!
#5: Dancing Up a Storm
#6: Way Too Obvious
#7: What He Deserves
#8: Touch It, Love It
#9: It's Like Living In The Future
#10: Short Attention Span
#11: He's Also an Asshole
#12: Well, So Much For Living
#13: I Wish I Could Do That
#14: Breaking All The Rules
#15: How Do You Like It?
#16: The Ultimate Power
#17: It's That Great!
#18: Short and Sweet
#19: Pointing Out the Ominous
#20: Cushy Alternative
#21: There's Always Something
#22: The Third is Alcohol
#23: He's Really an Ass
#24: The Right Answer
#25: The Third Clue
#26: Keep Arms and Legs Inside the Vehicle
#27: Parked What?
#28: That's My Pillow
#29: He Died of Leprosy
#30: Since Sliced Bread
#31: Yes Sir
#32: Lost in Translation
#33: He's Crazy, He'll Do It
#34: His Eyes Are Bigger Than His Throat
#35: Bocce Brain
#36: Fool Me Once
#37: Aces Wild
#38: Talking Out Your Problems
#39: FireWorks
#40: Anti-Creativity
#41: Back to the Plot, My Ass
#42: Harder Than It Looks
#43: Close Call
#44: Welfare Rules
#45: Lock and Loaded
#46: Ups and Downs
#47: Never a Good Thing
#48: You Should See the Other Door
#49: Synopsis
#50: And Party Every Day!
#51: Slow Reflexes
#52: We Don't Belong Here
#53: Shit Happens...Twice
#54: This Is Getting VERY Old
#55: I Live!
#56: Damn Right I Am
#57: Every Comic Needs a Talking Firearm!
#58: Wait for it...
#59: It's Cool to Fit In
#60: Nightmares
#61: Just Warming Up
#62: Just Like the Police!
#63: It Looks Bigger than it Is
#64: Oh God My!
#65: He's Baaaaaaaaack!
#66: Behind Door Number One...
#67: Mocking Blow
#68: Time Killer
#69: Light Switches are Always There For You
#70: Ocarina of Time Management
#71: Compiling Error
#72: A Gift for Both of Us
#73: Animators are Sick People
#74: F- For Effort
#75: Gravity is My Bitch